How to build muscle quickly

How to build muscle quickly
3 parts: Train yourself to increase muscle Come to increase muscles Concentrate on developing muscles
It may be difficult to fill muscle, but the important thing is consistency. However, if you want to build muscles fast, there are some advantages and disadvantages, such as having to increase a little fat with muscle and give up some activities like running so your body can focus on increasing muscle size. You have to eat more, using the right strategy training and exercises that are designed to enlarge the muscles. Read on to learn how to go from skinny to muscular in a matter of months.

Part 1 of 3: Train yourself to increase muscle
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Start with a basic strength training. [1] Most of the training for the main parts of the body should start with some basic strength training exercises and multiarticulados, that allow you to lift more weight in general as chest presses bench presses upper deltoid, the barbell rows for back and leg squats. These exercises allow you to lift more weight, while staying fresh and with enough energy to better stimulate muscle growth.

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Make your best effort. The key to build muscle is to make high-intensity workouts. The light workouts, albeit long, do little to produce the right conditions so that the muscles get tired and become developed. Plans a session of 30-45 minutes, 3 or 4 times a week (every other day). It may sound that is surprisingly manageable plan, but remember that during each session you have to make it as hard as possible. The muscles will definitely be sore at first, but the pain will diminish as you get used to the routine.
During each session, all the weight lifting can the right way. Test your limits to see how much weight you must lift, doing reps with different weights. You should be able to do 3 or 4 sets of 8-12 reps without having to lose the weight. If you can not, reduce weight. Generally, the range of 6 to 12 repetitions bulky stimulates muscle growth, while the lowest repetitions favor increased strength at the expense of muscle size.
If you can do 10 or more repetitions without feeling burning, add more weight. You just do not will increase the size of muscles, unless you challenge yourself to do your best effort.
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Lift weights explosively. Lifting weight quickly but slow down. [2]
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Do it properly. To develop an accurate technique, do good each repetition. If you are a beginner, strive to maintain the objective of repetitions within your ability to force. Discover the right rhythm for each exercise. Do not train to fail when you first start.
You should be able to complete an exercise movement without having to bend over or change position. If you can not, you have to lift less weight.
In most cases, you start with arms and legs outstretched.
She works with a trainer for a few sessions to learn the correct way of doing the different exercises before going on your own.
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Alternating muscle groups. You should not work in the same groups with all workouts because you end up with muscles hurt. [3] Rota muscle groups so that each time you exercise, make your best effort during an intense time to work a different group. If you train three times a week, try to do something like this:
First training: do exercises for the chest, triceps and biceps.
Second training: focus on the legs.

Third training: works the abdominal and chest again [4].
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Avoid stalling. If you do the same again and again every time you exercise, you will not progress. You have to add weight and when you ponds with the new weight, you should change the exercises. Stay on top of your progress and see when it appears that your muscles have not changed for a while; it could be a sign that you need to change something in the weight room.
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Take breaks between workouts. For someone with a fast metabolism, the rest period is almost as important as training. Your body needs time to develop the muscles burn calories without doing other activities. Running and other cardio exercise can actually prevent muscle growth. Instead, take a break between workouts. Sleep well at night so you're fresh for the next workout.
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Develops the connection between the muscles and the mind. Some research confirms that tune the mind to muscles may improve results in the gym. Instead of focusing on what has happened to you during the day or in the blonde next to you, strive to maintain the mentality of muscular development to help increase profits. You must do as follows:
Visualize the muscle that you aim to complete each repetition grows.
If you are lifting weight with one hand, place the other hand on the muscle you expect better. Doing this can help you to feel exactly where the muscle is working and help you refocus your efforts.
Remember that what matters is not the amount of weight of the bar, but the effect of that weight in muscle, which cause the increase in size and strength, which is what you want. This has much to do with how you think and what you concentrate.

Part 2 of 3: Come to increase muscle
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Eat whole foods high in calories. [5] The calories you receive should come from nutritious whole foods that will give your body the right kind of fuel to build muscle quickly. Foods rich in sugar, bleached flour, trans fats and additives are high in calories but not very nutritious and form fat instead of muscle. If you want your muscles to grow and look defined, you have to eat a variety of whole foods from each food group.
Come dishes rich in calories and proteins, such as steak and roast beef, roast chicken (with skin and dark meat), salmon, eggs and pork. Protein is very important when you want to build muscle. Avoid bacon, sausages and other sausages because they contain additives that you should not eat in large quantities.
Eat lots of fruits and vegetables of all kinds. They provide fiber and essential nutrients and help you stay hydrated.
Eat whole grains such as oats, whole wheat, buckwheat and quinoa instead of white bread, cookies, muffins, pancakes, waffles or waffles and so on.
Eat legumes and nuts, such as black beans, pinto beans, beans, nuts, pecans, peanuts and almonds.
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Eat more than you think you need. Do you eat when you're hungry and you stop when you're full? That sounds quite normal, but when you aim to build muscle quickly, you have to eat more than you normally would eat. Add an additional portion of each meal or more if you can. Your body needs fuel to build muscle; It's that simple.
A good breakfast to develop muscles might include a bowl of oatmeal, 4 eggs, 2 or more pieces of grilled ham, an apple, an orange and a banana.
For lunch, you could eat a chicken sandwich on whole wheat bread, several handfuls of walnuts, 2 avocados and a kale salad and tomato.
For dinner, eat a large piece of meat or another protein, potatoes, vegetables and a second portion of everything.
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Eat at least 5 meals a day. Do not wait until your stomach is growling eat again; you have to constantly replenish your body when you are in the development phase of muscle; it will not last forever, so try to enjoy it! Eat two extra meals in addition to breakfast, lunch and dinner.
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Take supplements, but not rely on them. You can not rely on protein shakes to build muscle will do all the work for you. To build muscle, you have to receive the vast majority of calories from whole foods rich in calories. That said, you can help speed up the process by taking certain supplements that have been shown not to harm the body.
Creatine is a protein supplement that has been shown to help build bigger muscles. It comes in powder, mixed with water and a few times a day drink.
Okay you have protein shakes supplements, such as Ensure, when you have trouble eating enough calories between meals.
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Stay hydrated. Work as hard as you can to increase muscles can dehydrate quickly. Avoid it carrying a water bottle with you wherever you go and drink whenever you feel thirsty. Ideally, it consumes about 3 liters (0.8 gal) per day. Drink more water before and after workouts. [6]
Do not consume sugary drinks or carbonated. They will not benefit your overall fitness and actually could delay your strength training.
Alcohol does not help either. Dehydrates you and leaves you with little energy.
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Learn to know your body better. What works and what does not? As you change your diet, pay attention to what happens to your muscles. Everyone is different and a food that can not work much for one person might be useful for someone else. If you do not see improvements within a week, change it and try something different next week.

Part 3 of 3: Focus on building muscles
Sleeping more than enough. Sleep is very important to give the muscles a chance to grow. At least 7 hours sleep per night is the minimum; the ideal is to sleep 8 or 9 hours.
Focus solely on weight training. You might like other cardio activities (such as sports, running, etc.), but they add stress to the body (muscles, joints) and spend the energy that could be used to build muscle. Normally cardio activities should definitely be included for general health, but if you are concentrating on developing the muscles temporarily quickly focus exclusively on weight training for a few months will help you achieve that goal.

Stay motivated. Find a friend to do together training, join a forum weight lifting or keeping a journal of your progress. Whatever it takes to keep you inspired, do it.
Always ask a friend to help with the most difficult lifts such as bench presses. This movement is high risk and it is always helpful to have some support to do a few more reps.
If you do not have weights at this time and have not done any weight training before, start with a few push-ups (push-ups) and dominated. They will be difficult enough to progress until now.
Make negative lizards: starts in the position of a lizard and down very slowly. Low as you can without touching the ground with his chest and stomach. Then, get up and start again. This is a good choice when you're not strong enough to do the exact lizards.
Eat something with a lot of protein after exercise. Exercise causes muscles to wear and eat or drink with protein regenerate muscle and makes it stronger.
Eat lots of protein in the morning, like eggs, oatmeal and other foods rich in protein; Also before, during and after drinking a protein shake. Ten record with workouts and eat healthy!

Too much exercise can be harmful to health. You must be aware of your condition and limit your efforts to avoid injury.
Avoid taking too much of creatine supplementation as it decomposes in the kidney and becomes toxic molecules. However, it will not hurt you as long as you do not take too much.